Aims of ConferenceWith a multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective, this OPEN one-day conference aimed to:
- Address contemporary socio-political challenges to torture prevention worldwide;
- Discuss the latest findings on the effects of psychological and physical torture, and its effectiveness;
- Share innovative approaches to preventing torture worldwide;
- Present and comment on the findings of IBAHRI's upcoming publication "Responding to Torture: Latinamerican Perspectives on a Global Challenge."
PanelsWe explored two broad themes through panel discussions and questions and answers:
Panel 1: National implementation of international standards and due process in prison confinement: Two complementary tools against torture, and;
Panel 2: Coercive investigation methods: The impact on the reliability of information obtained.
The day ended with a discussion on the creation of an agenda for collaboration between practitioners and scientific research.
RefreshmentsLunch and refreshments was provided.